Easy Steps and Resources for a Healthy Pregnancy

Healthy Pregnancy

At Alpha Life Pregnancy Center, we prioritize comprehensive care for you and your baby, and we understand the critical roles that nutrition, rest, and lifestyle play in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. 


Starting with nutrition, there are three key considerations as your baby grows: 

  • Prenatal Vitamins 

  • Healthy Weight Gain 

  • Balanced Diet 

  • Prenatal Vitamins

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends a daily prenatal vitamin which can be obtained by over the counter or by prescription. But which prenatal is best? Experts agree that the best prenatal vitamin is the one you take. Find one that agrees with your digestion, and take it regularly. ACOG has further information concerning vitamin deficiencies and iron intake recommendations for optimal healthy pregnancy. 

Appropriate Weight Gain

Weight gain during pregnancy occurs naturally. To ensure a healthy amount of weight is gained for the safe development and delivery of the baby, a caloric increase of around 300 calories per day is recommended. These extra calories should not come from sweets or fatty foods! Instead, these should be obtained through proteins and vegetables. 

Balanced Diet

During pregnancy, it is important to maintain a balanced diet. By eating a balanced diet that incorporates all five food groups, you can be sure you are taking in Vitamin A, vitamin D, potassium, folic acid, calcium, and iron as these are important nutrients to implement into your diet. Check out the lists of foods suggested to eat to maintain a healthy pregnancy. There are also several foods to avoid during pregnancy: unpasteurized milk, hot dogs and luncheon meats, raw and undercooked meats (including fish and sushi), refrigerated meat spreads and smoked seafood. 

Regular Exercise 

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that pregnant women get 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week. Brisk walking is a great way to get exercise. Other options include swimming and using a stationary bike. As you exercise, don’t forget to hydrate! The American Pregnancy Association has some specific suggestions when choosing good, safe exercise options

Lifestyle and Rest 

As you make adjustments for the next few months of your life, don’t forget to take a look at other parts of your lifestyle such as healthy habits and good rest.

Reach out to us at Alpha Life for more education classes concerning your pregnancy health at 910-565-2031. Let us walk with you through this journey. 


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