Substance Abuse, Pregnancy, and the Risks Involved

As your body shares nutrients and space with your baby, and as your womb is a part of you as well as your baby’s environment for growing, it is important to understand that substance abuse during pregnancy is a particularly high-risk concern. There are many ways to form healthy habits to give your growing baby the optimal conditions, and you can read easy steps to a healthy pregnancy. With these healthy practices, to further ensure optimal health during your pregnancy, here are several key factors to consider during pregnancy regarding substance abuse. The four substances considered are opioids, marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol.



Opioid use poses harm during pregnancy because its usage is not only in illicit form but also it can come about from prescription opiods as well. Your doctor should never prescribe opiods while pregnant. The rise of opioid use among pregnant women in the last twenty-five years shows in these common negative consequences:

1.     preterm birth

2.     stillbirth

3.     maternal mortality

4.     neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). NAS occurs in newborns after opioid use during pregnancy and resembles withdrawal symptoms in the newborn.


It is crucial to be aware of the threats associated with opioid abuse and how they can harm your growing baby. Look carefully at all prescription medication and seek medical advise on discontinuing any potentially harmful prescription drugs. Reach out to us at Alpha Life for counsel or to be connected professionals who can help with drug use addiction. For more information on opioids and pregnancy visit this website for alternatives to prescription medication, substance abuse help, and details opioids and pre-pregnancy through post-pregnancy.



Marijuana use in pregnancy is discouraged for two main reasons. The first is that marijuana use

is often linked to further substance use, such as tobacco. Although many people can claim that they don’t feel they have an addiction to using this substance, the American Addiction Center states that 1 in 10 adults using marijuana end up with a cannabis disorder on average. The second reason Marijuana can be harmful while pregnant is the effect on adolescent developmental.  There are other harms caused by marijuana as shown by ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) related to marijuana use during pregnancy.



Tobacco use in pregnancy is harmful in that It increases the likelihood of many health concerns, such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and birth defects of the mouth and lip. Smoking both during and after pregnancy also significantly increases the chances of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Any substance containing nicotine, including traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and others is harmful for the pregnancy. Nicotine can damage a developing baby’s brain and lungs. There are many resources available with helpful tips for those struggling with substance abuse such as where you can find informational links and tools to help you “Quit for Two.”


Every type of alcohol is harmful to ingest during pregnancy. Alcohol use can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and a range of lifelong physical, behavioral, and intellectual disabilities. Usage leads to fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). The list of potential damaging side effects alcohol can have on a developing baby during pregnancy is long. To further understand how serious the dangers of alcohol and pregnancy are, see this article and video that further details the risks involved.


Substance abuse during pregnancy

It is important to understand the risks associated with substance abuse during pregnancy. At

Alpha Life Pregnancy Center, we understand the significance of prioritizing your health during

pregnancy, and we are here to walk with you as you seek professional help for any substance use or abuse that you are experiencing during your pregnancy. Our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive support and care, and we would love to hear from you.

If you have concerns about your pregnancy due to substance use, take the proactive step and book an appointment with us today. Contact us at 910-565-2031.

For additional details, visit the following websites:

Addiction Help

ARK Behavioral Health


Understanding Coercion during Pregnancy


Easy Steps and Resources for a Healthy Pregnancy