Is your friend pregnant?

How to Support Your Friend During an Unplanned Pregnancy

Finding out that you are pregnant can be an overwhelming experience for anyone, especially when it is unplanned. Your friend needs your support more than ever, and you can make a difference in her life by being there for her. Here's how you can help:

  1. Listen and offer support: Start by having a conversation with your friend. Ask her how she is feeling and offer to listen without judgment. Simply being there for her can make a big difference during this difficult time.

  2. Support her in telling others: If your friend needs to tell her parents, the child's father, or other family members, offer to help her. Provide a safe space to discuss her options and thoughts on who to tell and when.

  3. Learn about resources: Some organizations can help and support women and girls with unplanned pregnancies. Look for these resources on, and offer to help your friend make an appointment.

  4. Avoid shaming or pressuring: Your friend may feel guilty, embarrassed, or ashamed about her unplanned pregnancy. Be a safe person for her and avoid adding to her feelings of shame or pressure.

  5. Don't cut her off: An unplanned pregnancy can make someone feel isolated, so it's important to ensure that your friend knows she is not alone. Let her know that you will support her, no matter what.

Supporting your friend during an unplanned pregnancy is all about being there for her, offering a listening ear, and providing information about resources that can help.

Remember, your friend needs your support, and you can positively impact her life by being there for her.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

We're here to help.


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