Navigating Life After Abortion

Navigating Life After Abortion

Everyone's experience with abortion is unique, and their emotions may vary. Some people feel intense emotions immediately after an abortion, while others may experience relief, shame, regret, denial, numbness, anger, anxiety, sadness, and depression months or even years later. It's important to remember that everyone's feelings are valid and unique to their situation.

Family and Friends of Those Who Have Had Abortions

Family members, partners, and friends impacted by someone's decision to have an abortion may also experience various emotions, including helplessness, regret, and blame. They need to recognize and acknowledge their feelings and seek support from a safe, nonjudgmental environment if required.

Help, Healing, and Hope is Available

Our organization offers confidential support and care to individuals who have had an abortion or those impacted by someone else's abortion. We offer both one-on-one confidential counseling with trained professionals and support groups for those who prefer to discuss their experiences with others who have similar stories. Our services are free and always confidential, with options for additional privacy if needed.

We understand

Many of our volunteers are post-abortive women who’ve navigated through a cycle of healing. They understand the unique circumstances and factors that may have contributed to your abortion decision. We are committed to your health, happiness, and well-being.

Talking about your experience can bring healing and empowerment; we're here to listen day or night.

Don't hesitate to reach out to us for free, confidential support. Call us today.

Post-Abortion Resources

Below is a list of recommended post-abortion resources:

Surrendering the Secret - An 8-week program offering healing after abortion

Not Forgotten Ministries - Offers Bible studies, weekend retreats, and one-on-one support.

Rachel’s Vineyard - A safe place to renew, rebuild, and redeem hearts broken by abortion.


Is your friend pregnant?


Emergency Contraception: The Morning-After Pill